Jet Engine Design

Concept Art Illustration-Jet Engine of A Plane Design.
This is a concept art illustration design for my client. He is from Japan, I have created these designs which are about 7 of them but all are different.
So this a Jet Engine of A Plane Design, It's a large one, and have these types of qualities which you're looking at,

1 Why Organize

 It is taken for granted that a proper organization is a necessity for any firm to conduct its business. You should ask yourself, WHY it is so necessary to organize? In this section, you should be able to answer necessary to organize? In this section, you should be able to answer this question of WHY? We have stated previously, that in the final analysis, it is the people who must perform various activities and functions of a firm.

 In the previous unit, you have learned that planning is critical to accomplish company's objectives. To put your plan in action, you must organize yourself to perform your action. Since it is the people who will convert your plans into reality, then the people must be organized to accomplish the company's objectives. To put your plan in action, you must organize yourself to perform your action. Since it is the people who will convert your plans into reality, then the people must be organized to organize yourself to perform your action. Since it is the people who will convert your plans into reality, then the people must be organized in convert your plans into reality, then the people must be organized in some orderly fashion to perform various tasks.

 People mean managers, administrators, accountants, foremen, production workers, casual laborers, etc. All these people must be placed in a worker, casual laborers, etc. All these people must be placed in a 
 proper form in order to run the company's operations smoothly which are least costly and profitable for a firm.

 Let us take a simple example of a game of Hockey. If you are familiar

Now, if you are playing the game of marketing management, you must 
organize your team in an orderly fashion in which each person is assig- 
ned specific position with specific responsibilities just like the game 
of Hockey.
Thus organizing is important in marketing management, because it puts •
the firm in a formation to launch its efforts. There are other numerous 
benefits of organizing properly that are discussed in the later parts 
of this unit, however, the major benefits are that the duplication of 
efforts are eliminated, smooth operations result in efficient strat 
and as you know that efficient performance will result in lower costs 
and higher profits for the firm.
or a firm that is already in existence, the job shall be that of re- 
 organization. Suppose a tractor manufacturing company is an old established firm that has an established organizational structure in which 
 a listed firm that has an established organizational structure in which 
 her marketing department is separate from her service and spare parts 
 departments. The salesmen may initiate a request to the top management  of the company, that the service and spare parts departments maybe 
 of the company, that the service and spare parts departments maybe 
  integrated into the marketing department.


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