Portable Body Scanner Design.

                                 Concept Art Illustration-Portable Body Scanner Design.

This is a concept art illustration design for my client. He is from Japan, I have created these designs which are about 7 of them but all are different.
So this a Portable Body Scanner Design, It's a large one, and have these types of qualities which you're looking at,
I mean it can do different types scanning, It scan Bags, cases, and humans too. 

2 Who should Organize

 The organizational framework is normally set-up by the top management of a firm. When setting up a completely new company, the responsibility for the organization rests only with the Board of Directors and the top for organization rests only with the Board of Directors and the top-level management of the firm. To cite an example, consider Shaikh Zaid- Bin Sultan Hospital, that has been recently opened in Lahore, as a 
 Bin Sultan Hospital, which has been recently opened in Lahore, as a 
 large firm. The organization of this Hospital was set-up by a high-level Management Board. Just like the game hockey, the organization is set up prior to the starting of actual services by the hospital. Once this hospital becomes fully operational, organizational faults (if any) will be realized and appropriate organizational changes may be made at the set up prior to the starting of actual services by the hospital. Once this hospital becomes fully operational, organizational faults (if any) will be realized and appropriate organizational changes may be made at the hospital becomes fully operational, organizational faults (if any) will be realized and appropriate organizational changes may be made at the be realized and appropriate organizational changes may be made at the later stage.

he objective of your team is to win the match. For this objective make a strategy and a plan. Then each team member is informed about it, 
strategy, as to how the attack will be made to score a goal. Then before the play begins each team member takes a specific position and is as- 
signed to do a specific job. Figure 3.1 is the example of an organization of a hockey team. It consists of five forwards, three center- 
half and two full-backs and a goalkeeper.

Now, if you are playing the game of marketing management, you must 
organize your team in an orderly fashion in which each person is assig- 
ned specific position with specific responsibilities just like the game 
of Hockey.
Thus organizing is important in marketing management, because it puts •
the firm in a formation to launch its efforts. There are other numerous 
benefits of organizing properly that are discussed in the later parts 
of this unit, however, the major benefits are that the duplication of 
efforts are eliminated, smooth operations result in efficient strat 
and as you know that efficient performance will result in lower costs 
and higher profits for the firm.
or a firm that is already in existence, the job shall be that of re- 
 organization. Suppose a tractor manufacturing company is an old established firm that has an established organizational structure in which 
 a listed firm that has an established organizational structure in which 
 her marketing department is separate from her service and spare parts 
 departments. The salesmen may initiate a request to the top management  of the company, that the service and spare parts departments maybe 
 of the company, that the service and spare parts departments maybe 
  integrated into the marketing department.


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